Random Thoughts - Bike Babble - Geek Speak - Creative Flow

Bike Babble - Geek Speak - Music Notes -
Creative Flow - Random Thoughts

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Never Lose The Desire

I wrote this poem in honor of my mom. Even though she continues to lead a life filled with laughter and love despite financial struggles and heart breaking losses, my hope is that one day no one will have to endure the hardship of breast cancer.

"Never lose the desire
to work up a sweat
or enjoy a lazy day.

Never lose the desire
to eat healthy
or indulge a craving.

Never lose the desire
to laugh out loud
or reflect quietly.

Never lose the desire
for simplicity
or the quest for knowledge.

Never lose the desire
to fight for what's right
or make peace when it's time.

Never lose the desire
to love openly
or care deeply.

Never lose the desire
to live."

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